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Meet Mrs. Sparkles
A modern day Mr. Rogers with a lot more spunk, Mrs. Sparkles, aka Debbie Taylor, is a child’s edutainer committed to sparkle-izing the world—one child at a time. Her unique style combines considerable expertise in early childhood education with a delightful voice and guitar accompaniment and a dazzling personality to teach children one of the most valuable lessons they may ever learn: that sparkle-izing someone’s day through kind acts or thoughtful words comes back in a great big way.

Debbie holds an executive masters in early childhood education and she taught kindergarten unified arts at Hilliard, Ohio, schools for 35 years before retiring in 2008. Since emerging as Mrs. Sparkles in 2004, she has launched two CDs, Kaleidoscope and Sparkle-On. Mrs. Sparkles has sparkle-ized more than 16,000 central Ohio families and given away nearly 3,000 CDs to children around the world. She has held more than a dozen concerts, including three SparklePalooza benefit concerts, raising thousands for worthy causes like Nationwide Children's Hospital and UNICEF. Funds raised for UNICEF benefited Haitian children affected by the 2010 earthquake. Mrs. Sparkles’ events have also benefited Hurricane Katrina victims and victims of the 2004 tsunami.

Mrs. Sparkles is a passionate advocate against bullying and the negative impact it can have on children’s formative years. Her inspirational songs teach kids of all ages to embrace and adopt positive behaviors than can help eradicate bullying while making our world a more sparkle-riffic place to live, learn, and grow.

Mrs. Sparkles is currently pursuing opportunities to launch and host a new children’s edutainment television series that will bring her critical messages of kindness, hope, and acceptance to a larger national and international audience.