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See Mrs. Sparkles live.
Ready to get sparkle-ized? Then plan to come see me at an event or concert near you. Check back often to see where I’ll be performing next. I look forward to seeing you and sparkling with you soon!

Saturday August 9, 2014

Coming up! Don't miss Mrs. Sparkles in concert!

Sunday, August 10th, 2014 at 7pm

Hilliards' Historical Society's Gazebo
5274 Norwich St., Hilliard, OH 43026

FREE Children's Concert
Music, Dancing, Family Fun!

Please spread the word on facebook and twitter! Invite your friends!
Guaranteed to be a great time! 



Saturday August 10, 2013

Save the Date to Get Sparkle-ized! Mrs. Sparkles will be performing Sunday evening August 11th, 2013 at 7p.m. at Hilliard's Historical Society's Gazebo on Norwhich Street! Hope to see all my Sparkle Rangers for dancing, music, and fun! Sparkle-On! 5274 Norwich St Hilliard, OH 43026

Saturday August 11, 2012

Thank you for joining us last year at the concert, be sure to catch the next one in August 2013! Mrs. Sparkles performed to an enthusiastic group of youngsters and their families last year on Sunday evening August 12th, 2012 at Hilliard's Historical Society's Gazebo on Norwhich Street! Thank you to all of my Sparkle Rangers for dancing, music, and fun! Sparkle-On!

Saturday July 31, 2010

Along her journey to becoming the next big star in children’s television entertainment, Mrs. Sparkles never hesitates to come back to visit her favorite best fan-base, Hilliard, Ohio! As part of the Hilliard Arts Council’s Summer Concert Series, Mrs. Sparkles “edutained” her audience for Family Night at the Historical Society’s Gazebo Sunday, August 1, 2010. A playlist filled with beloved family favorites as well as brand new songs from her new CD released this May, Sparkle-On!, proved to be the hit of the evening with the lively, sing-along fun Hilliard has come to expect from Mrs. Sparkles.

Friday July 30, 2010

A Western-style hoe-down became a pint-sized Woodstock when Mrs. Sparkles and the Columbus Mothers of Twins Club got drenched in the rain Saturday afternoon, July 31, 2010, at Friendship Park in Gahanna, Ohio. Wet clothes and dripping microphones did not stop the twin-filled audience from laughing, singing and dancing to Mrs. Sparkles’ sing-along concert, however.